P012 → IN-SITU, training in site-specific theatre tools 

IN-SITU, training in site-specific theatre tools was an 8 day professional development training in site specific theatre methodology and it's use in a collaborative or youth context for theatre makers, youth workers and social activists from Ireland, Hungary, France, Serbia, Czech Republic and Italy.

The training took place at Gólya Presszó in Budapest amidst one of the most violent gentrification and development processes in Europe at the time in 2015. Gólya and the neighbours have since been forcefully relocated and in their place one now finds the offices of Apple.

The workshop was led by Hungarian director Márta Schermann and Belgian dramaturge Bart Capelle.

Pedagogic team Panni Végh, Márta Schermann, Bart Capelle, Eszter Némethi

Participants Leonard Cortana, Miguel Valentin, Laura Garcia Estaben, Sara Debevec, Jana Baierova, Györe Ágnes, Szabó Vera, Joan Somers Donnelly, Meadhbh Haiceid, Eleanor Phillips, Bernie O'Reilly, Anthony Goulding, Jelena Jezdovic, Katarina Markovic, Milena Todorovic,  Anna Maria Avella, Giulia Ledda, Simone Petrucci

Project coordination Eszter Némethi and Panni Végh

Project Partners Makeshift Ensemble (Ireland), Artemisszio Alapitvany (Hungary), Inform'art (France), Orma Fluens (Italy), Sunshine Cabaret (Czech Republic), REACH (Serbia)

IN SITU was a Firestarter Network project by Makeshift Ensemble (IRL) and Artemisszio Alapitvany (HUN) and was funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ programme.